Constitution Equality for All ?

Constitution Equality for All ?

Monday, July 1, 2013


  No one knows really how to resolve affordable housing issues however know how to make a profit (living) off the working poor, low-income, senior and disabled citizens, etc.  I was distributing flyers (as a volunteer) for free English classes to 2nd English language speaking residents however discovered some interesting affordable housing information from some of them.  I was very suspicious why real estate companies would hire a large amount of Latinos in certain areas especially most of them knows how to speak English. Some inform me they use their language as an advantage to act as though they don't know how to speak english for benefit. One nice Latino lady brought to my attention that there are certain areas that would conduct some questionable activities that will enable them to obtain housing the same day and without credit check in Montgomery County. As we all acknowledged, as the economy is at it's all time worst, however still unstablized, corruption rises (Smith, B. 2013).  “Sometimes we believe that our constitution provides us with a government that based on rule of law- however in this case it’s based on man special financial interest law”.
    In my discovery, I found out why there are pressures  for rental agents to maintain their quota. Property owners find ways to profit (paying high taxes to the County ) while the County overlook some of the quality of life issues to keep the “revenue” stabilized paid by the real estate owners. Some of our Latino immigrants and other (race) immigrant residents are targeted to pay the high prices for shelter. How the leaders are really dealing with affordable housing crises? Is it about the awards they receive at an annual housing conference?
When these individuals desperately search for homes from keeping their families homeless don't realize bad credit when they apply for an apartment and can't t afford it. Then they go to the County for assistance to pay their rent to keep their children from becoming homeless. Someone, a politician used this poor defense that there is enough affordable housing- they suggest to allow residents to obtain housing and over look regulations, safety and health, such as, code violations, while apartments  are in deplorable and unhealthy conditions, etc. I heard some political leaders say, “At least you have a home”; regardless of the unhealthy conditions or the high price of rent you can’t afford to move or stay.
    How can a resident who makes under $15.00 an hour afford an apartment, a one bedroom for $1,000.00 in Montgomery County? Statistically  this overwhelmingly affects minorities and single mothers with children who were adequately affected by the economic downturn (issues of inequality of pay, jobs and housing. etc). However, it's allowed to have undocumented persons to live in the apartments to assist with the rent even though it violates the County code.  I discovered  these unusual violations  which are disturbing and dangerous. I was informed why Latinos walk into a development and request a Latino rental agent? They receive “preferential treatment” to get an apartment illegally but it’s not 1st class treatment when it later affects their credit rating when they can't pay the rent. Montgomery County has a history of allowing overcrowdings of illegal immigrants for political interest or this to cover the rent when they make 8.00 an hour. I discovered that some management would get "paid" extra under the table to allow this illegal process especially with or without the owner's knowledge. No one is taking the consideration the lives of children's health and safety when these illegal activities are allowed however ignored.
    Leasing agents are taught how to manipulate the system to get away with"credit checks" which is part of the process of renting apartments. This actions are discriminatory to benefit a certain group of people. I found it interesting that their isn't many multi - cultural leasing agents and property managers on these properties in Montgomery County. Why these real estate companies refuse to hire different cultural diverse individuals on these properties? Sometimes you have to wonder, if you are an owner of an apartment complex, is it reasonable to apply pressure to your staff to “lease-up” apartments to maintain their job? Is this process dysfunctional, that will allow pressure  on the management team to conduct illegal activity to satisfy the owner's goal. Is it acceptable for heads to turn from these agencies who suppose to monitor these activities? Or to seek a comprehensible solution to solve these problem that involves the health, safety and code of the citizens in Montgomery.
    Some squatters are warned, at night when the office is close these  squatters return to the apartment and leave early the morning before the office is open. Now the CPI for renting apartments is planning to go up 4.0% therefore there will be an excess of code violations, more corruptible activities; while jobs are scarce and no livable wages. Who is advocating for the working poor or low-moderate income person? Since there isn't a democratic supported system for tenants to meet without the fear of intimidation, there is no advocate who will speak for their best interest. No one knows how to sit at the table and have a conversation without threats or unfair tactics towards certain class of citizens.
    I discovered that some landlord love the idea to accept voucher participants however continue the low morale of "quality" living. One landlord told me in my face that it’s “guarantee rent” however refuse to maintain the code while tenants live in deplorable and high crime conditions. Then you have to wonder about the inspectors, Who are paying them to close their mouths? Some landlords discovered how to manipulate the federal system to receive extra rental payments from the subsidized residents for profit. HOC who suppose to monitor these activities however use the political systems that are eroded to favor landlords because of revenue to the government of Montgomery County. While tenants are left with the rent burdens and treated as 2nd class citizens. There are many HCV participants, working poor and low-moderate tenants who are abused and disregarded concerning their quality life; if you have deal with the consequences and if you choose to speak against these issues you are (1) threaten to lose their voucher, (2) threaten by agencies or (3) politicians (4) landlords, etc. These activities are supported by lawmakers; the Congressman in Silver Spring and some local politicians enforces and support these threats to the working poor lose their voucher if they complain about their quality of life issues. (These are not republicans).
    One valuable lesson I learned from different advocates and  the true honest leaders with integrity,   "If the oppressors fight so hard against you and pay “money” to suppress evidence - you are heading in the right direction". "Integrity is for sale?"  As I had dealt with this experience of abuse, retaliation and deceit from landlord’s who work for a real estate wealthy agency that are paid “top dollar” to maintain corruption, it’s my belief that they payoff these politicians for favors only to risk their integrity, that is "for sale". To suppress evidence and to continue to maintain the corruption against private citizens based on classification, gender, race, religion, etc., only to focus on special interest for financial income gain; low ethical morale is be revealed.

Ecclesiastes 9:15-16:  There was a poor , wise man living there who knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterward no one thought any more about him. Then I realized that though wisdom is better than strength those who are wise will be despised if they are poor…..

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