Public Opinions and Trust does matter!
There has been an unwelcoming experience in Montgomery County with the working poor, HCV participants, Senior and Disabled, Single mothers and low- moderate income residents. Are they evicting them out of the district? Is this systematic oppression against a certain class of citizens? Most residents under this program makes at least $15.00 or lower an hour and can't afford the rent. If you review the statistical data more minorities and women in Montgomery County are still marginal affected by the economic crises , inequality of wages however more minorities are still the highest receiving unemployment benefits.
A letter was sent out to all the residents who are under HOC which is 89 % minorities (68% African American) a town hall meeting that has been already arranged, discuss and decided by the Executives, Commissioners, Montgomery County Government, State and Federal Government to "direct" residents quality of life. Meaning that they already made a decision without the recipients under the program which is violating HUD rules. 24 CFR 964, 24 CFR 245 and QWRA ACT desires resident participants at the table not after a decision has been made, on this letter they added the HCV Administrative Plan. This plan is already corrupted and decided with the staff, resident participation isn't involved. I attended the meeting and watch how staff overpowered the residents, because of lack of knowledge and training, took advantage of the production and execution of this plan- the residents has no idea nor any communication from HOC the true facts about the HCV plan. The HCV plan has already been corrupted and have 0.5% of resident participation. (Using intimidating and retaliatory tactics to threaten questionable residents).
Looking back in history, there an article that discuss how HCV participants was treated in Montgomery County.A Step Away from Homeless - HCV participants. They already face challenges in this County with the judicial system, government, communities, real estate agencies, etc., they are basically the voiceless. This town meeting is a form of suppression because voices should had been heard before a meeting is formed. So where do they want to "bus" or "shipped" the subsidized participants.. to the another part of Montgomery County? Using affordability as a tool to keep residents in a certain neighborhood away from the wealthy society?
The bottom of this letter the Montgomery County Government nor the Montgomery County Schools desire to participant or have any influence with this agenda. However, they have a responsibility to the citizens even though they are working poor, low- moderate, senior and disabled, single mothers, etc., now they want to bail out? When a tenant under the HOC program has an issue, why they inform tenants to go the Landlord and Tenant Affairs? Now they desire to "bail out?" We all know how Stacey Spann, CEO feels, he is a businessman, looking out for self at the resident's expense- he has no power against the Commissioners, they all hired him (Review the HOC Commissioner's classification). However, he harassed me for participating the Commissioners meeting which is supported by HUD under resident participation 24 CFR 964. The Commissioners serving more terms than the President of the U.S. It has been rumored by some silent voices that states the Commissioners made a business decision to hire a minority, an African American CEO because the majority of HOC recipients are African Americans, it won't seem discriminatory. He went along with this ride and Jean Banks - (one minority & resident) Commissioner, "Haven't heard her voice cry-out" or said anything on the residents behalf. She is serving longer than the President of the United States, "You have to wonder why the appointee want her to serve so long... secret agenda?
What the issue is that there is no solution when it comes to income classification; you have no voice and if you speak your voice; you are targeted and retaliated against. No one knows how to communicate with the working poor nor talk at them. There is no mutual respect however oppressed tactics of control used to suppress or dis-empower certain class of individuals constantly threatening , "I take your voucher away?" The constitution is stripped away from certain class of individuals that cause institutionalized systematic inequality. Where is the Civil Rights part in this... silence as usual in this county.
This town hall meeting is held on several dates and the time is 6:00 pm -7:30 pm July 15, 2013 at Northwest High School, July 23, 2013 Walter Johnson High School, July 29, 2013 Rockville High School, July 30, 2013 Montgomery Blair High School. Some residents states, Why show up they already made a decision about their lives without them (treating them like second class citizens), Why participate only to be threaten or harass later?
I wonder what our minority government is going to speak against this, What they have to say .... Isiah Legett, County Executive- Carmen Navarro- Council Woman, Judge Wolfe, Valarie Ervin, Hans Reimer, or Craig Rise, Christopher Barclay, Judith Docca and Shirley Brandman, What's the comments. (In some areas in Montgomery County there is no minority leaders). Haven't heard anything from Senators or Congressmen in regards to these affects, there is no accountability, our voice don't count. Are these leaders taking the time out to participate in this town meeting or hide? If you are going to "shipped" or "bus" the residents out of Montgomery County at least show your faces of approval.
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